Author’s Response to Your Many Comments
I am the author and owner of this website. I have received so many comments and requests for more information I felt I should reply. This is your author’s response. Many of you have asked for more information. Some of you have suggested I add a donation button. Almost all of you have said that you love my posts and that I have helped you a lot. This makes me very happy. If you wish to know more about me and my writing or make a donation, purchasing a book or two would do the trick. They are available in most countries through Amazon. There are links to my books on Amazon in the United States on this website. Browse the pages and you will find them. I suggest Tales From the Riverside which are true stories just like my posts. My Four Seasons Series contains my heart and soul though the books are fiction. For children, I suggest The Adventures of Ollie Orangutan available in both English and Spanish. How To Be a Smart SOB Like Me is also non-fiction and will tell you a lot about my life, answer some of your questions, and maybe help your life too. Thank you very much and happy learning. Due to the volume of comments, I cannot respond individually to your requests. This is the only author’s response you will receive. There have also been too many spam comments and for this reason, you may only reply to this post. If the comment does not have a valid email address you will be marked as spam. Thanks to all you honest people from your multi-award-winning author, Larry Landgraf.