Screenplays (4) for The Four Seasons Series are Here!
The Fall of 2018 meant the completion of the Four Seasons Series. I had already written two screenplays for the first two books in the Series, but now I had the time to write the last two.
Many have said that my fiction Series books would make great movies. I have had some success with the screenwriting festivals, but will a movie result? I can only hope. I will work toward that end over the next year or two. Cross your fingers. A movie is every author’s dream. Not all dreams come true but I will see if I can make it happen. If you have a few $million to invest, do give me a call at 361-550-2633. I won’t hold my breath, but it never hurts to ask.
I am happy to announce that the last two screenplays for the Series are finished and published. The covers are designed for me by the publisher during the publishing process, but the titles I do choose. I hope you like them. Now without further delay…

By the way, the screenplays are on Amazon as print books as well as e-books. If you haven’t read the Series, the screenplays are quick reads and will give you an idea of what the novels are about. You’ll get the gist of the story, though some things are changed.